For the hard rock drilling and dense low efficiency problem, this paper
analyzes the tungsten carbide-based hot drill diamond protrusion such as
lithology and rock abrasiveness intrinsic link between that drill
carcass composition and its performance is tamping rammer critical , hard and brittle
with a carcass beneficial properties of the diamond blade, which can
increase the drilling speed. Therefore, from diamond drill hot carcass
composition and properties of the start, after repeated experimental
research, trial out of the hot steel bonded carbide type impregnated
diamond bit. In the hard and dense rock drilling field tests showed
that: with ordinary tungsten-based drill compared to drilling aging by
the 0. 5 m / h up to 1. 18 m / h, drill working life by a 10 m / a
increased to 21. 31 m / a, basically solved the hard and dense rock
drilling difficult problem. Experimental results show that the type of
steel bonded carbide matrix is wet diamond polishing pads an excellent diamond drill carcass
material, the type of hot carcass diamond drill is a kind of a broad
spectrum of diamond drill bits. Foreword traditional hot tungsten
carbide-based diamond drill is widely used in geological prospecting.
Tungsten carbide-based diamond bit high abrasion resistance, better
adaptability for rock. However, this type of drill bit for hard - hard
and dense rock formations exhibit adaptability unsatisfactory drilling
less effective, while 08 1994-2010 China Academic Journal Electronic
Publishing House. All rights reserved. Http:/ / Diamond &
Abrasives Engineering Total No. 168 effective only 0. 40 m / h ~ 0. 50 m
/ h, working life of only 8 m ~ 10 m. Meanwhile, in recent years,
tungsten carbide, cobalt, nickel and other metal materials prices, the
cost of diamond drill increased significantly. In order to improve drill
hard and dense rock drill drilling performance and reduce costs, we have
gone through nearly two years of experimental research, successfully
developed a type of hot carcass steel bonded carbide impregnated diamond
drill bit. Steel bonded carbide type of steel bonded carbide matrix is
designed based on the idea, its composition and cutting discs the ratio of the larger
changes were made, including tungsten carbide, cobalt and other
materials was significantly lower, at a reasonable thermal pressure
condition of the carcass is formed. A carcass Test 1.1 steel bonded
carbide type carcass performance design for hard and dense rock
formations, to improve the diamond bit drilling results, we must have
two basic conditions: ① with the wear resistance of the carcass
abrasive rock drilling performance to adapt bit matrix slightly ahead in
the process of drilling diamond wear, so that the carcass of a diamond
blade can be timely to ensure effective cutting rocks. ② requirements
of the diamond matrix alloys have a solid package insert effect, there
is a higher blade without shedding [2], the carcass of the diamond can
be a long time to maintain a sharp cutting results. To achieve these
goals, we must study the type of steel bonded carbide matrix can improve
the wetting adding diamond alloy composition.