There are many small factories saw blade grinding , hand workshops on the market now ; grinding only the serrated blade rake angle , a simple rough treatment, after treatment has changed the original blade angle , the blade angle , side angle , and tooth room is simply not deal with the conditions , do not be detected , correction of its processed products after grinding .
Grinding time is longer , etc., make a note to tell you about our grinding process testing process , and related technical standards.
A. Upon receipt of our customers need grinding blade , first of all, build customer product files , put all the blade 50 degrees Celsius warm water and soak for 30 minutes, then wash , rust, binding preliminary processing visual inspection, the obvious defects can not be abrasive products, good customer numbers marked after cleaning , but tile cutting blades the area directly put back until after the product is completed with grinding required to the customer .
B. Then the angle with the dial gauge testing, including tooth rake angle ; hind ; side angle detection ( see no cracks , chipping , etc. ) , and then put on the projector to enlarge 50-100 times to determine the original angle serrated blade wear ; If the tooth chipping small , we can improve the grinding appropriate amount to reduce production costs.
C. If you have alloy teeth need to be replaced , use of automatic welding machine for gear tooth exchange operations. D. Next, correction for blade stress , this step is critical blade grinding step ; requires highly experienced technicians to the completion of the diamond blade during high speed operation , the external force, the stress in the blade has been changed , it will appear saws Road bigger ; surface roughness phenomena ; we stress adjustment requires two more times ; If you can correct cutting discs the standard range , then into the next process , on the contrary , we will contact the customer to solicit customer feedback, customer requirements as grinding, we are precision grinding, however , after the completion of the package , we will blade , diamond saw blade attached deviation specific data. We first used Japanese imports 200 grinding diamond wheel for coarse grinding particle size , particle size and then use the 600 wheel for precision grinding.
E. Next check the vibration rate , after passing by the B -step process , final inspection, shipment region after placing fully qualified , work orders by businesses to complete the polishing process .
Under such strict procedures , our sanding discs products will ultimately into the hands of customers , in this sense , our products are definitely stand the test of time.