Here today for me to introduce to you a brief analysis about the method of diamond grinding wheel cutting attention to detail the relevant information , I hope to help you in the future when masonry drill bits you can buy some used, please follow the small series together to look at the contents of the following describes it !
A grinding wheel in the Leads chipping is easy : with a larger angle of the main cutting tool grinding wheel , cut entry provenance easy to chipping . To solve this problem , using a circular blade , changing the main angle , so that the Leads stable. The feed amount of 1 ~ 1.5mm case chipping phenomenon did not occur .
Second, the chip in powder form : Cutting wheel chips in powder form , in the form of tool wear is flank wear , mainly exposed diamond grinding wheel abrasive wear.
Third, the cutting force and the cutting temperature is low : diamond composite sheet has a high thermal conductivity 4 inch circular saw blade of tungsten carbide 1.5 to 9 times , the copper 2 to 6 times , the cutting zone temperature quickly spread . Thus, PDC cutter cutting resin bond or ceramic bonded grinding wheel temperature , many times lower than the cutting of metal . Fourth, with the traditional turning tools, diamond composite sheet in the process of turning almost no dust fly, also able to effectively reduce the noise , diamond wheels to further improve the working environment is conducive to worker health.
Second, we have to consider is the size of choice, when you want to select coarse grained diamond wheels and vice versa , when faced with ultra- fine grinding wheel to use powder .